How to choose a ski instructor

Off Piste tracks on Savoleyres Verbier

Choosing Ski Instructors in Verbier

Ski Instructors come in many types, shapes and sizes! With varying levels of ability and customer care skills and often at approximately the same price. So, if you are coming to Verbier it can be slightly confusing on who to book to help you with your skiing. There are 20 plus ski schools and any number of independents. Here is a little (I hope helpful) information to aid you with your selection.

Independent Ski Instructors in Verbier

There are generally two categories of ski instructors working independently in Verbier. There are ones that are qualified to the highest level in Switzerland with appropriate insurance and registered with the Swiss authorities and who can legally teach skiing independently: And there are those that are working illegally.

So, here are some points to remember when booking ski lessons with an independent ski instructor.

  1. Only a Brevet Federal (Swiss top-level qualification) instructor can teach independently – Lower level instructors are required to work within a ski school under the supervision of a Brevet Federal instructor.
  2. Independent ski instructors are legally required to be registered with the Canton of Valais and hold third party liability insurance and registered with the AVS.
  3. Only Brevet Federal Instructors can teach off piste skiing.
  4. If your instructor is an independent and is legal then you can be sure you are getting a ski instructor who holds the highest qualification.
  5. You met your ski instructor in a bar last night and he or she can’t show you, they are registered or their ski instructor licence (Brevet Federal / Snow Pro) or their responsibility civil (RC or 3rd party) insurance then it is highly probably they are not legal.

If you want to be sure you are skiing with a  legal and qualified instructor then check out their credentials on the MontagnePro website. So, if your instructor is not registered, then he or she is probably working illegally and  probably without insurance etc.

Ski Instructors with Verbier Ski Schools

If your ski instructor is wearing a ski school uniform and you have booked him through the ski school office or website, then you can be fairly-certain they are working legally, as the ski school will have registered and insured their instructor. However, be aware of what you are actually paying for:- Ski schools can employ all levels of instructor, from a top level Brevet Federal ski instructors to someone who has completed a five day in house training course with the ski school at the start of the season.

Ski schools in Verbier can employ four lower level instructors for one Brevet Federal. The point being you will probably pay the same price for the experienced fully qualified instructor as for the fresh-faced newbie. So, my tip is to asked the school what level of instructor you are booking or if the instructor can take you off piste as only a Brevet Federal can teach off piste skiing!

Ski Instructor Reviews

Once you’ve established the legal credentials and the type of ski instructor you have chosen maybe ask to see some reviews from their previous clients.


Now with their reviews and credentials checked. It’s time to book your carefully selected instructor and have some fun on the mountain.