Off Piste Regulations – Verbier

 Savoleyres looking down to Verbier

Swiss Federal Ordinance for Activities of Risk

What are the laws for mountain professionals working in Switzerland? The answers can be found in the Swiss Federal Ordinance for Activities of Risk (Orisque). From 2014 all mountain guides, ski instructors, climbing instructors, mountain leaders have had to comply with Orisque. However, the Federal Council has revised the ordinance and the new regulations come into force from the 7th of May 2019. Here are some of the main changes for all mountain professionals working in Switzerland.

Snow Sports Instructors – 39 to 44 Degrees 

Previously the Orisque limited off-piste terrain for ski and snowboard instructors to AD (Assez Difficile), with a maximum slope angle of up to 39 degrees. Now the maximum slope angle for a Brevet Federal Snow Sports Instructor is 44 degrees. However, the routes taken must avoid ‘no fall zones’.

“There is clearly clientele who want to improve their ski technique on steeper off piste routes, for the past five years ski instructors have been limited in their services. The new ordinance will allow ski instructors again to prepare good skiers for Heli-skis excursions led by mountain guides”. Verbier Ski School Director

Climbing Instructors and Mountain Leaders

Because of the change to the Orisque climbing instructors will now be able to take their clients on via-ferrata routes. And mountain leaders will be able to follow routes of up to T4 level of difficult.

Authorisation to Exercise

Due to the change in the Orisque all mountain professional must have authorisation to practice their profession in Switzerland. All visiting mountain guides and snow sports instructor now need to obtain a licence prior to starting  work. It was possible in the past to work for up to 10 days without making a declaration.

If you want to find out more about authorisations to work in Switzerland visit the MontagnePro website.

Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about Verbier off piste skiing.


Finding the Cheapest Ski Lessons in Verbier

Content Ski Clients

Best-value-for-money ski lessons in Verbier

Verbier is one of the top ski resorts in the world and is a fantastic ski holiday destination. Verbier also just happens to be in Switzerland and as you’ll probably know Switzerland has a reputation for being a little pricey! Bearing in mind these two points, ski lessons in Verbier can appear to be expensive, especially if you are paying with £s. And to be honest the word cheap should really be replaced with the words ‘value-for-money’ ski lessons. So, what do you need to look for in a ski lessons to get the best-value-for-money ski lessons in Verbier?

Below are a few points to help you know you are getting the best-value-for-money ski lessons in Verbier.

  1. QualificationsCheck the qualification of the instructor you are booking – Are they fully certified to the highest Swiss standards? Larger ski schools make their margin hiring lower level instructors (possibly with no qualification and only five days of in house training at the start of the season) and charge the same price as the highest-level experienced ski instructor (Brevet Federal).
  2. Safety – Be sure you have chosen a ski instructor who is teaching legally, the person selling you a cash deal low price ski lessons in Après-Ski is unlikely to be insured, have a qualification or hang around to help if there is an accident on the mountain!
  3. Local Knowledge – How well does the instructor know the resort? You’ll want an instructor who can help you find the best ski conditions for your level. However, the instructor should also be a font of local knowledge who can help on every aspect of your ski trip, help book great restaurants, advise on the best Après-Ski and even know the telephone number of the local doctor or dentist!
  4. Ski Area – There are 400km of groomed ski runs in the 4 valleys, however there is more off piste than groomed runs! Only a Brevet Federal ski instructor can teach off piste – So, if you are getting the lower level instructor you are only getting a fraction of the ski area to ski on in your ski lessons – reducing your chances of finding the best ski conditions!
  5. Name – Know the name and qualification of the instructor you are booking. If the ski school can’t tell you the name of the instructor, then you’ll be put in the ski school tombola. Ski schools can run a ratio of 1- 4 (1 Brevet Federal to 4 lower level instructors) so you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting the best-value-for-money ski instructors in the ski school.

You can search for ski lessons by price, however a lowest price lessons does not necessarily equal value-for-money and most ski schools in Verbier charge similar prices – So, when booking ski lessons ask questions about the exact instructor you are booking. If you’ve got this far down the page then you are probably looking for a deal!? Contact me directly and I am sure we can work something out!

Otherwise just book me for your ski lessons!

Verbier Beginner Ski Lessons


Mastering La Chaux Verbier after 4 hours skiing

The power of a positive mental approach and some good base-level-fitness makes skiing easy. There is no mystique, just simple logical steps and skiing can be easy.

The video above is Helen skiing la Chaux in Verbier after only 4 hours skiing – She was super happy and pleased that she will now be able to have fun and ski with her children and husband.

If you think you’d like to master La Chaux? Then maybe contact me and book some ski lessons in Verbier.

Verbier Powder

Another amazing week in Verbier – Empty slopes and great snow. 



Secret Submarine Base Update – Water Feature

Le Châble car park water feature

Verbier Insider – Le Châble Train Station Update

It has been over three years since they started digging a massive hole in Le Châble. At the time there was much speculation about exactly what was going on down in Le Châble. Some of the bar chat rumours were exceptionally colourful: The Swiss Navy was building  secret submarine base: It was a secret tunnel for lifer ski bums who were planning their escape to the real world via a tunnel to Volléges! As it happens the big construction project is the new Le Châble train station. So, in time, it is going to be possible to travel by train from London to Le Châble quicker than a private jet and helicopter transfer.

The new Le Châble train station is a wonder. Like all things Verbier, the designers have really gone to town with the extra features. The designers have  even managed to squeeze in a water feature and a roof garden. I am sure this will make a fantastic difference to the general vibe of the station…. but, the snow will still be Epic in Verbier!



Another Epic Powder Day in Verbier

Another epic powder day in Verbier

This winter ski season has produce the goods again – If you are interested in taking your skiing from the piste to the powder then do contact me the next time you are visiting Verbier.

Verbier Snow – Powder Day

Savoleyres Powder

Emma finds fresh tracks – It’s a Pow-E-der day. This winter has been amazing with many days of great cold snow. Today the clouds cleared above Savoleyres and we skied endless fresh tracks. Simply EPIC. If you want to take your skiing from the piste to the powder then let me know.

How to choose a ski instructor

Off Piste tracks on Savoleyres Verbier

Choosing Ski Instructors in Verbier

Ski Instructors come in many types, shapes and sizes! With varying levels of ability and customer care skills and often at approximately the same price. So, if you are coming to Verbier it can be slightly confusing on who to book to help you with your skiing. There are 20 plus ski schools and any number of independents. Here is a little (I hope helpful) information to aid you with your selection.

Independent Ski Instructors in Verbier

There are generally two categories of ski instructors working independently in Verbier. There are ones that are qualified to the highest level in Switzerland with appropriate insurance and registered with the Swiss authorities and who can legally teach skiing independently: And there are those that are working illegally.

So, here are some points to remember when booking ski lessons with an independent ski instructor.

  1. Only a Brevet Federal (Swiss top-level qualification) instructor can teach independently – Lower level instructors are required to work within a ski school under the supervision of a Brevet Federal instructor.
  2. Independent ski instructors are legally required to be registered with the Canton of Valais and hold third party liability insurance and registered with the AVS.
  3. Only Brevet Federal Instructors can teach off piste skiing.
  4. If your instructor is an independent and is legal then you can be sure you are getting a ski instructor who holds the highest qualification.
  5. You met your ski instructor in a bar last night and he or she can’t show you, they are registered or their ski instructor licence (Brevet Federal / Snow Pro) or their responsibility civil (RC or 3rd party) insurance then it is highly probably they are not legal.

If you want to be sure you are skiing with a  legal and qualified instructor then check out their credentials on the MontagnePro website. So, if your instructor is not registered, then he or she is probably working illegally and  probably without insurance etc.

Ski Instructors with Verbier Ski Schools

If your ski instructor is wearing a ski school uniform and you have booked him through the ski school office or website, then you can be fairly-certain they are working legally, as the ski school will have registered and insured their instructor. However, be aware of what you are actually paying for:- Ski schools can employ all levels of instructor, from a top level Brevet Federal ski instructors to someone who has completed a five day in house training course with the ski school at the start of the season.

Ski schools in Verbier can employ four lower level instructors for one Brevet Federal. The point being you will probably pay the same price for the experienced fully qualified instructor as for the fresh-faced newbie. So, my tip is to asked the school what level of instructor you are booking or if the instructor can take you off piste as only a Brevet Federal can teach off piste skiing!

Ski Instructor Reviews

Once you’ve established the legal credentials and the type of ski instructor you have chosen maybe ask to see some reviews from their previous clients.


Now with their reviews and credentials checked. It’s time to book your carefully selected instructor and have some fun on the mountain.





Half term skiing in Verbier

Verbier Half Term

Half term skiing and ski lessons in Verbier

What is half term skiing like in Verbier? Roddy Willis answers a few questions about this winter’s skiing conditions and for some of his tips for making the most of the skiing in Verbier during half term week.

When is the February half term holidays?

‘This year most European countries and the UK are having half term week in the same week which is the second week of February. It will be busy but if you think outside the box you can ski as if it was a low season week.’

How has this winter been so far for you?

‘The start of the ski season feels like yesterday, but this winter is rocketing along. I have just finished the first busy school holiday period of the season. During Christmas and New Year, I have been busy with all levels of skiers and I am now getting ready for the next school holiday half term period.

How has the snow been this winter?

‘This winter we’ve had exceptional snowfalls and some of the best powder skiing which is great for half term holidays as we now have a great base layer of snow across the whole resort.’

What are your tips for making the most of half term?

‘The trick is to plan your days to be out of sync with everyone else. Start early (be on the first lift) making the most of the first few perfectly groomed ski-runs. Ski through the normal Swiss lunch time (12 midi day to 2pm) avoiding the busy restaurants during this period, the pistes will be quieter, then have a late lunch in a quieter mountain restaurant!’

Where should you ski in Verbier during half term week?

‘It is a good idea to ski in the less well-known areas of the resort – Most people head to the big names like Mont Fort, Tortin etc. But if you head to areas that you’ve seen on the Verbier piste map that were not mentioned at last night’s drinks party, then it’s a good chance it will be less crowded!’

How about ski lessons in the half term week?

‘The biggest tip here is to book early and be sure the school knows the name of the instructor you are getting, ask if they can meet early to avoid the 9am rush at the bottom of the lifts. If the instructor knows the resort, then he or she will know the best methods to finding the best of the current conditions in Verbier.’

Do you have any other tips for the half term week?

‘Have fun, smile and enjoy the great skiing – The snow this year is exceptional.’

If you need help finding an instructor or ski lesson for half term week, then please do get in touch.




Bluebird Powder Day December 11 2018

First powder day winter 18-19 Verbier

Pow Pow Verbier

Today in Verbier – Say no more….