Tag Archive for: Verbier Gossip

Savoleyres Lift Update: The New Télémixte Revolutionizing Verbier Skiing

Savoleyres Lift Update: The Bubble Finally Pops

If you’ve skied in Verbier and ridden the Savoleyres bubble lift, you’ve probably thought two things: Wow, the views! and Is this thing held together with duct tape? Since 1970, this plucky lift has shuttled us to Savoleyres’ powdery delights with all the speed and grace of a snail on skis. But its wobbly days are numbered. Téléverbier has finally broken ground on the long-awaited replacement: the shiny new Télémixte lift! This all part of the TeleVerbier Master Plan!

A Saga Worthy of a Netflix Series

Replacing the Savoleyres bubble hasn’t been a straightforward affair. Planning began in the 90s, and since then, there’s been more drama than a chalet party at 2 a.m. Local opposition, red tape, and debates over piste plans have slowed progress to a crawl. But in 2024, the stars—and the permits—aligned. Cue the excavators and the champagne.

What’s Coming Down the Line?

The Télémixte is the James Bond gadget of lifts: part gondola, part chairlift, all modern. Ten-seat cabins and six-seat chairs will zip skiers from Esserts (1700m) to the top of Savoleyres (2200m) with an optional stop at Planards. The whole journey will take just 12 minutes—barely enough time to post an Instagram story.

There’s more: a new piste will link Carrefour to the Esserts station, smoothing the journey like a freshly groomed blue run. Whether you’re a powder hound or a piste cruiser, this upgrade is a game-changer.

One Last Hurrah for the Bubble

The first section opens in 2025-2026, with full completion by 2026. Until then, take a nostalgic ride on the bubble, preferably with a hip flask for courage. The Télémixte isn’t just a new lift; it’s the start of a sleeker, faster, and frankly more comfortable Savoleyres. Cheers to progress and endless powder days ahead! If you need help navigated Savoleyres let me know!


What’s New in Verbier for Winter Season 19-20

New In Verbier Winter 19-20

No New Ski Lifts in Verbier this Year

New In Verbier Winter 2019 – 20

What is new in Verbier for this winter? Every year I do a little round up of what is new in Verbier for the coming winter season – Here are a few new things straight off the Verbier rumour mill.

New Indian Restaurant in Verbier

Every year the Verbier restauranteurs play a game of musical chairs. When the music stops this winter there will be some changes. First out of the game is Millennium. Taking over the restaurant in the Hotel La Rotonde is KV Hotels. Apparently they are going to open an Indian restaurant. Let’s hope it will be a truly authentic rendition of the Taj Mahal with an appropriate use of purple and mustard coloured flock wallpaper. Excellent news for lovers of an alpine poppadum!

New in Verbier Winter 19 20

Good Morning Verbier

Next out of the game is La Bec at Mountain Air which is being replaced by Good Morning Verbier. Good Morning Verbier previously in Le Hameau will serve an increased range of breakfast goods, Grandma’s cooking at lunch time and express sandwiches for those in a hurry. It is even possible to pre-order your favourite food on the Good Morning Verbier website. Christoph is certainly setting the pace and I look forward to some tasty lunchtimes.

However not to lose its hold on the space at Le Hameau and with a subtle name change to ‘Good Crepe’. Apparently, Good Crepe have employed a crepe-ist (if such a thing exists) from Breton to make fantastic Crepes. Fantastic moves from Good Morning Verbier.

New Snow Canons on Savolyres

On the mountain it is going to be easier to ski back to Les Esserts. TeleVerbier are installing new snow making machines all the way down the Verbier side of Savolyres to Les Esserts. Perfect for skiing to Le Hameau for a Good Crepe!

New Ski Lifts in the 4 Vallees

Nendaz not wanting to live in the shadow of big brother Verbier has upped the stakes. Ready for this winter is the new gondola between Plan du Fou and Prarion. And just to really make everyone in Verbier a wee bit jealous the dudes at TeleNendaz are adding more snowmaking between Siviez and Veysonnaz. 4 Vallee tours will be vastly improved.

New Off Piste Regulations

Off piste law changed again… Ski instructors with a Brevet Federal can ski up to 45 degrees off piste.


New for this winter will probably be the Brexit effect. What is the deal or will be there be a deal? This hot potato is best left alone! But… who really knows what it will mean for the many British seasonal workers in Verbier? Until now British seasonal workers enjoyed the benefits of ‘Free Movement’ in Switzerland because of the bi-lateral agreements between the EU and Switzerland. Who knows what will happen? Answers on a very small postcard please! Or just book yourself some tasty ski lessons.

Savoleyres Bubble Lift Verbier – What is the Gossip?

Savoleyres Ski Lift Accessed Powder

Savoleyres Bubble Lift – What is the deal?

This week’s blog is about the Savoleyres bubble lift. It is not long since the end of the winter season and the skiing stopped in Verbier. Winter 18 – 19 has produced many tales of the deepest and steepest skiing ever. However, what has happened to the chat about replacing the oldest, slowest and wobbliest ski lift in Verbier? So, to help you liven up your bar chat this weekend!

Here are 6 question and answers about the Savoleyres ski lift

  1. How old is the Savoleyres bubble lift? The Savoleyres bubble lift first opened in 1970, like all things Swiss was built to last.
  2. Is the Savoleyres bubble lift safe? It maybe a little old and shaky – however TeleVerbier has managed to get a new licence to operate the Savoleyres lift. The previous licence expired in 2018. So, being Switzerland I can only imagine that there has been some sort of safety test!
  3. How long has the Savoleyres bubble lift got left? The current operating licence for the lift is due to expired in 2022. So, we have a few more winters before TeleVerbier will need to get a new licence to operate the Savoleyres lift. Or to build a replacement ski lift!
  4. Is there a plan to replace the Savoleyres bubble lift? Since 1996, TeleVerbier has made multiply attempts at getting planning permission to build a new lift. TeleVerbier’s current plan is shown in the diagram below. However, TeleVebier is struggling to get permission for their replacement plan.
  5. What is stopping the lift from being replaced? TeleVerbier’s planned replacement for the Savoleyres lift has been opposed, since 2012, by a group of chalet owners. The opposition’s views and ideas can be found on their website www.proverbier.com.
  6. What will happen if there is no lift-up to Savoleyres? This is an interesting question… The only downhill skiing access from Verbier to la Tzoumaz will be the Vallon d’Arbi itinerary. Otherwise, it is possible to skin up on touring skis or take public transport to la Tzoumaz.

Bar Chat Conclusion

If, there is no new ski lift or no licence to operate the old lift Savoleyres lift, Verbier will lose access to the la Toumaz ski area. It is difficult to imagine not being able to ski epic powder on Savoleyres. Hopefully, there will be a sensible compromise and a new lift will be built before the current lift is to old to operate.

Seriously if you’ve got this far down the page! Then you really do need some help with your bar chat or your off piste powder skiing!


Plan for the new Savoleyres lift

Summer Skiing Verbier 2019

Summer skiing in Verbier

Will Verbier Open for Summer skiing?

The winter ski season has ended. However, the snow just keeps on coming. This morning May 12th the snow has again fallen right down to 1200 meters and the forecast is for more cold weather and more snow! The last time it felt this cold in May was 2013. TeleVerbier opened for a weekend of  summer skiing in July 2013.  Just saying…. will Verbier open for skiing this summer?

Secret Submarine Base Update – Water Feature

Le Châble car park water feature

Verbier Insider – Le Châble Train Station Update

It has been over three years since they started digging a massive hole in Le Châble. At the time there was much speculation about exactly what was going on down in Le Châble. Some of the bar chat rumours were exceptionally colourful: The Swiss Navy was building  secret submarine base: It was a secret tunnel for lifer ski bums who were planning their escape to the real world via a tunnel to Volléges! As it happens the big construction project is the new Le Châble train station. So, in time, it is going to be possible to travel by train from London to Le Châble quicker than a private jet and helicopter transfer.

The new Le Châble train station is a wonder. Like all things Verbier, the designers have really gone to town with the extra features. The designers have  even managed to squeeze in a water feature and a roof garden. I am sure this will make a fantastic difference to the general vibe of the station…. but, the snow will still be Epic in Verbier!



VERBIER Skiing & The Biggest Selfie



Le premier Gigaselfie de Suisse est aux Ruinettes V E R B I E R

Tous à vos smartphones! Depuis cette fin de semaine, la station de Verbier propose à ses hôtes d’immortaliser leur pas- sage sur les pentes des Ruinettes, via le premier «gigaselfie» de Suisse.


Verbier Snow Report January 2017

Bruson Piste in the distance

Yes, my snow and piste report from Verbier has been a little bit like the propaganda from your local dictator – There is no revolution going on here and yes the snow is amazing! Since my last report I have been a little apprehensive about reporting the truth. We have had skiing and the ski lifts are open!  But January 2017 has not produced much in the way of fresh snow. Currently in Verbier, and probably like a lot of the Alps, the piste are very firm and the off piste skiing is chalky grippy snow and a lot of moguls! Stories of recent fresh powder, is….. just a story!

Having recently spoken to many old and wisened locals, I am brave enough to admit that the weather is changing, along with the moon and all the other mystical signs! This afternoon Mount Blanc and the Grand Combin had their hats on – this is a sure sign the weather is changing – So with luck we should see a dump of fresh snow just in time for the February half term.

If you want to learn to get to grips with chalky off piste conditions then maybe book some ski lessons with me.





Snowspiracy – Where is the Snow? – Snow Conspiracy Theory


Snowspiracy – Where is the snow?

Here at Snowquarters we are discussing a potential snowspiracy. I am still taking my daily security briefings from my very own ‘intelligence agency’. This mornings’ briefing concerned a security breach. The Snow Prediction Services (SPS) computer has been a hacked by unknown external forces.

The security breach mostly concerns the SPS’s snow-forecasting predictions services. Currently the SPS is unable to accurately predict snowfalls, the computer system has defaulted into only predicting ‘Epic Snow’. Which, as you can see from the photo above isn’t actually that accurate!

The SPS has sent their secret agents out to uncover the hackers and the source of the snowspiracy. The Democratic Republic of Clambin (DRC) has denied all knowledge but has indicated that the Peoples Popular Front of Clambin (PPFC) are involved.  The DRC has alleged that PPFC have developed the skills to weaponize and control the snow, or the lack of snow, in-an-attempt to stop DRC having access to their headquarters at Chez Dany in Clambin.

This is a very complicated and fast evolving situation, which hopefully will end every soon. We can then go back to the normal service of Epic Snow in Verbier!

Verbier Insider | Secret Submarine Base

Le Chable Verbier Train Station

Verbier Secret Submarine Base

Not satisfied with making Verbier look like a Swiss cheese, the local building firms are getting carried away digging another massive hole, but this time down in Le Châble.  And as ever the gossip is rife. There are some great rumours and bar chat, around Verbier, about what is actually going on down at the train station car park in Le Châble.

Some people have said that the Swiss Navy are building a new secret submarine base. Others have said it is going to be an artificial surf break. Some have suggested it is a new communal nuclear bomb shelter. The Democratic Republic of Clambin (DRC) has denied any involvement. A kindly man in the Fer-a-Cheval, who was looking and sounding two sheets to the wind, suggested that a group of veteran Verbier ski bums are planning ‘The Great Escape’ to the ‘Real World’ and have started digging three tunnels (Tom, Dick and Harry) with exits in Vollèges, he also said ‘have you seen the massive pile of earth by the road on the way to Vollèges’ as further evidence to back up his story.

The real story isn’t so colourful but is a great step forwards for Le Châble. The hole has taken more than 30 years of planning and is the start of a new underground train station costing 27 million CHF.  The new station platforms will be underground and will be the first train-gondola link in Switzerland, the station will also come into line with new federal directives relating to user safety and accessibility for people with reduced mobility.  The development will also make an extra 46’000 m2 of land available for ‘Urban Development’. However at this moment it is not clear what the ‘Urban Development’ will be? Obviously there is some great potential for new rumours and bar chat.

We suspect the regulars at the station PMU bar will need a new venue for their daily glass of fendent and flutter on the ponies.

The new Le Châble train station will be ready for December 2018.


Chez Dany | Restaurant Musical Chairs & the Democratic Republic of Clambin

 La croûte au fromage Chez Dany

If you, like us, love great meals out in and around Verbier then you’ll probably also know there is a bit of ‘musical chairs’ going on with the restaurants in Verbier. And a bit like the drivers in Formula 1, everyone is looking for the hot seat, when one moves they all move. So what is the gossip?

What is the story at Chez Dany?

The executive chef and his team have done a bunk leaving a power vacuum. For a while it was a little uncertain as to what was happening in Clambin – However we can report that Chez Dany has been taken over by the rebel forces of the Democratic Republic of Clambin (DRC). These same rebel forces once were the original founders of P.A.A.R.T.E.E. at Farinet Après.  We’ve also heard on the grape vine, that the DRC are offering refuge to the Dicktators who are building their own secret mountain hideaway. Apparently the infamous Yellow Mike will be helping the DRC and the Dicktators write their P.A.A.R.T.E.E. manifesto.

It looks like Chez Dany is going to be the place this winter for rebellious rocking Après Ski in Verbier. We are unsure how the Popular Peoples Front of Clambin will respond, however we will keep you posted on developments in Clambin.

Where is Nomad Sushi?

Nomad in the Nevai Hotel has always been a bit nomadic, setting up in a number of different locations around town. As far as we can tell Nomad at its last locations, in the Nevai Hotel, has closed. However, the owners of Nomad just happened to be the original founders of Farinet Après and they are now in Chez Dany. Confused?!

If you have a penchant for high altitude sushi, then there is no need to worry!  You’ll still be able to satisfy your desire for uncooked fish in Verbier this winter – The rumour is: The former Nomad sushi chefs are doing three nights a week in T-Bar.


The former executive chef of Chez Dany Claude Alain Besse and his team have taken on the L’Ecurie in the hotel Ermitage. This is great news as one of Verbiers’ best restaurateurs is now on the mountain and in the town. Lunch and dinner is sorted! If we can survive a round or two of fine Gentianes we’ll post our review of L’Ecurie very soon.


Claude Alain Besse is still at the Dahu.

Club Vie Verbier | Rosalp Hotel

The Rosalp in the good old days was home to a Michelin starred restaurant. Over the last few years the Rosalp has been another Verbier building site making the rue de Medran look like a Swiss cheese.  The Club Vie Verbier will open this December in the Rosalp and has potential to rock with some serious talent in the kitchen. Gerwin Brand, who’s CV looks like he should be a judge on Master Chef, is running the kitchen and we are excited. We’ll bring you a review as soon as possible.


The Pergola has had a bit of face lift this summer and has got a lovely new wooden pergola. Who knows if the menu is getting a face lift? Please do send in your reviews.

Brasserie No.1

Sadly Brasserie No.1 in Le Chable has closed. We’ll miss the fine food that was served by Jamie and the boys. The rumour is,  Jamie is going to be sous chef to Gerwin Brand at Club Vie Verbier.

If you’ve got any other gossip or reviews of Verbier restaurants, then I,d love to hear from you. Or if you need help finding your way to Chez Dany then maybe book some ski lessons with me!