Tag Archive for: Verbier Information

Chez Dany | Restaurant Musical Chairs & the Democratic Republic of Clambin

 La croûte au fromage Chez Dany

If you, like us, love great meals out in and around Verbier then you’ll probably also know there is a bit of ‘musical chairs’ going on with the restaurants in Verbier. And a bit like the drivers in Formula 1, everyone is looking for the hot seat, when one moves they all move. So what is the gossip?

What is the story at Chez Dany?

The executive chef and his team have done a bunk leaving a power vacuum. For a while it was a little uncertain as to what was happening in Clambin – However we can report that Chez Dany has been taken over by the rebel forces of the Democratic Republic of Clambin (DRC). These same rebel forces once were the original founders of P.A.A.R.T.E.E. at Farinet Après.  We’ve also heard on the grape vine, that the DRC are offering refuge to the Dicktators who are building their own secret mountain hideaway. Apparently the infamous Yellow Mike will be helping the DRC and the Dicktators write their P.A.A.R.T.E.E. manifesto.

It looks like Chez Dany is going to be the place this winter for rebellious rocking Après Ski in Verbier. We are unsure how the Popular Peoples Front of Clambin will respond, however we will keep you posted on developments in Clambin.

Where is Nomad Sushi?

Nomad in the Nevai Hotel has always been a bit nomadic, setting up in a number of different locations around town. As far as we can tell Nomad at its last locations, in the Nevai Hotel, has closed. However, the owners of Nomad just happened to be the original founders of Farinet Après and they are now in Chez Dany. Confused?!

If you have a penchant for high altitude sushi, then there is no need to worry!  You’ll still be able to satisfy your desire for uncooked fish in Verbier this winter – The rumour is: The former Nomad sushi chefs are doing three nights a week in T-Bar.


The former executive chef of Chez Dany Claude Alain Besse and his team have taken on the L’Ecurie in the hotel Ermitage. This is great news as one of Verbiers’ best restaurateurs is now on the mountain and in the town. Lunch and dinner is sorted! If we can survive a round or two of fine Gentianes we’ll post our review of L’Ecurie very soon.


Claude Alain Besse is still at the Dahu.

Club Vie Verbier | Rosalp Hotel

The Rosalp in the good old days was home to a Michelin starred restaurant. Over the last few years the Rosalp has been another Verbier building site making the rue de Medran look like a Swiss cheese.  The Club Vie Verbier will open this December in the Rosalp and has potential to rock with some serious talent in the kitchen. Gerwin Brand, who’s CV looks like he should be a judge on Master Chef, is running the kitchen and we are excited. We’ll bring you a review as soon as possible.


The Pergola has had a bit of face lift this summer and has got a lovely new wooden pergola. Who knows if the menu is getting a face lift? Please do send in your reviews.

Brasserie No.1

Sadly Brasserie No.1 in Le Chable has closed. We’ll miss the fine food that was served by Jamie and the boys. The rumour is,  Jamie is going to be sous chef to Gerwin Brand at Club Vie Verbier.

If you’ve got any other gossip or reviews of Verbier restaurants, then I,d love to hear from you. Or if you need help finding your way to Chez Dany then maybe book some ski lessons with me!


Chez Dany Verbier | What is the story?

There is a mousse in housse

The London Financial Times recently publish an article with rumours about Chez Dany – so what is the real gossip about Chez Dany?

One story doing the rounds in Verbier is that the former executive chef of Chez Dany has upped and left and is going to take over the restaurant L’Ecurie in Verbier – We can confirm Claude Alain Besse (from the Dahu) is taking over the L’Ecurie and will be open from November the 11th. Call +41 27 771 27 60 to reserve – I am sure this is going to be a great eating out destination this winter in Verbier.

Another story filling the Verbier gossip columns is:- Chez Dany has been sold to a secretive Russian billionaire who wants to build a luxury mountain hide-away – We’ve talked to all big building firms in town and nobody appears to know anything about this rumour– We think this story is just ski-bum-bar-chat.

Another story is:- Chez Dany will be a ghost of a the former restaurant left to go derelict on a closed piste – The closed piste might be great for a few secret powder turns after a fresh dump of the light fluffy stuff – But not so great for your hungry bellies after a hard day skiing.

Another story is: – The Chez Dany lease has been taken on by some of the best party doctors in town with a reputation for pumping Après Ski entertainment. What a location for standing-on-the-tables-dancing-in-ski-boots Après Ski! This could be great news for Verbier Après Ski but maybe not so great news for the Russian oligarchs hiding away in Clambin!

Bring on the snow so we can ski through the pretty hamlet of Clambin to find out the real story about what is happening at Chez Dany this winter. If you need help finding your way to Chez Dany then maybe book a ski lesson with me.

Chez Dany Update – For the true and accurate story head over to Chez Dany website.

Verbier Skiing | Snowdome

Verbier Snowdome

Verbier Snowdome

Hot off the press from some of Verbier’s finest rumour mills. Apparently, ‘The Big Mound’ of dirt, down by the road on the way to the ‘Real World’ just past Le Châble, is the start of another massive secret project. To track down the truth we’ve gone back to our sources to try and find out what is happening down on the road to Vollèges.

Our kindly friend from the Fer a Cheval, who was sporting a Hawaiian shirt and rambling like Salty the sea dog said “Phase 1 they are building a ski hill with snow canons and that phase 2 of the plan is a Snowdome so we’ll be skiing 365 days a year, like the one back home in Manchester. It is going to be incredible…’. And then to totally top off his ramblings he added ‘they are also going to build a wave pool for surfers with “rollers” three meters high with a unique Bagnard surf atmosphere. It is going to be epic!”.

There could be some truth in this one as the boffins from the Swiss federal environment office have predicted that small and medium-sized glaciers in Europe will have melted entirely by 2050. And another recent study concluded that ski resorts across Europe have up to 40 less days of snow cover compared to the 1970s.

One of the dudes at No.1 Ski Rental said they had no idea about ‘The Mound’ but another said that ‘Not be to out done, Vollèges has always wanted to be a ski resorts and wants to become a year round tourist destination’ he verified his statement with ‘have you seen my tax bill’.

The Democratic Republic of Clambin (DRC) released the following statement: ‘In the era of ‘Post Truth’ it is hard to distinguish the rhetoric from the facts. The only truth we know is VERBIER IS OPEN FOR SKIING’. 


Verbier Snow Prediction for ski season 15/16

Verbier Snow Prediction - Massive insects

A sign of the coming mega winter in Verbier

Verbier snow prediction for ski season 15/16

It’s been one of the warmest Septembers since records began in 1864, according to MeteoSwiss it’s the third consecutive month with temperatures higher than normal by at least 2.5 degrees – so what does this mean for the winter?

Yes, it is that time of year! And it is time to get the winter juices flowing with a spot of snow-forecasting for the coming winter ski season in Verbier. As ever we’ll see almost anything as a sign this winter will be the biggest winter ever….

So predictably our prediction is: It is going be bigger than last winter and the mega-dump will start on the 7th of December – And the snow in in Verbier will be the driest, coldest and fluffiest ever.

What is our prediction based on! Well… currently there is a deluge of large insects that can be seen in and around Verbier (see above photo). We’ll be posting more evidence in the next few days. Some locals are also saying that the spiders are massive and in abundance and that the trout are swimming in circles in the river Dranse. Weird.

I’d love to hear from you if you have your own theories and methods for predicting this winters’ snowfall. If your theory is good enough I’ll even pop it up online for you!

Otherwise, maybe you just want to book a ski lesson.